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The Mission Field of a Classroom

Growing up in a public school, I always saw the need for light there. I was confident that I would end up in a public school, teaching and loving the kids who really needed it. That would be my mission field. It is also where I got my first job.

Because of that, I have always viewed the classroom as my mission field- from my various teaching practicums, to my first job teaching 8th grade Spanish, to the classroom I now teach in. As I am now well into my third year of teaching in a private, Christian school, it is glaringly apparent that the kids here are just as much in need of Love.

All schools are full of students who are hurting and crave Truth.

The interesting dynamic of our school is that, while teachers and staff must sign a proclamation of faith, the students do not. Consequently, we have a wide variety of beliefs represented in our student body. While all of our students are familiar with the gospel message through daily devotionals and weekly chapels, not all have accepted Christ as their Savior.

This knowledge has lead me on my own journey in reliance on the Spirit.

As much as I would like to 'logic' my students into understanding and accepting the gospel, that is simply not how hearts are changed.

As much as I would like to 'love' my students into embracing the love of the Father, that is simply not how hearts are changed.

As much as I would like to 'convince' my students of the validity of Jesus's work on the cross, that is simply not how hearts are changed.

I should know about the difficulty of changing hearts; I am also as stubborn as they come.

So what is a poor English teacher to do, when daily faced with a mission field of hearts who barely want to do their homework, much less talk about their personal beliefs and feelings about God?

First, she works. She feels the weight of a responsibility that is not hers to carry on her shoulders as she tries in vain to change hearts in her own strength and power.

Then, she worries. She sees that her human efforts are futile as she herself does not have the power to change hearts. She starts to wonder if she is right for the job that she excitedly accepted mere months before.

Then, she is held. Her Father picks her up in His arms and tends to His daughter who tried to take a burden that she could not bear. He graciously reminds her that He is the one who changes hearts. That He cares so much more deeply than she ever could about the beautiful souls that sit in her classroom every day. That He calls His sheep to Himself.

Finally, she releases. Releases the load she picked up that wasn't ever hers. She walks forward into the good works that He has prepared in advance for her to do, filled with His love that she prays outpours from her being.

She realizes the best testimony she could ever bring to someone else is a life spent as a vessel of His light and Love.

So, still being an English teacher, she designs a demanding curriculum of books including a variety of perspectives and ideas- but all are rooted deeply in Truth as they were written by image-bearers about other image-bearers. They are rooted in Truth because Truth cannot be tarnished, even if examined from a different perspective. Discussing Truth in a literary context seems to give students more confidence to ask questions and dissect arguments, ultimately leading to the prevailing Truth that holds up under scrutiny.

And then, after 2 years of relationship-building, in the middle of a discussion regarding an author's belief of the purpose of life, she receives an invitation:

"Miss, what do you think about this?"

A loud whoosh enters her ears as she panics, again assuming the burden of a student's salvation with an answer that just has to be perfect.

But, she breaths out slowly and begins to rest in the confidence that His Spirit is alive and working intentionally in and through her- despite her failings. He gives her words that don't radically cause a spiritual revival in the middle of English class, rather words that serve as a seed of Truth.

She then rests content in the role she plays, planting seeds of Truth and Hope everywhere she can, praying that He would grow them.

Unfortunately for her, she will have to learn this over and over again, (as I said before, she's pretty stuborn!) but He is gracious and patient with her.

Praise be to God.

"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, Godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the Truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time." (1 Timothy 2:1-6)

I pray that God will continue to pursue these students' hearts, that they will be able to see His unconditional love for them in the lengths He went to draw them to Himself. Please join me in that prayer for my students and the other students at our school.

Thank you for your kindness in reading through my words. I pray that they give you a better glimpse into my ministry in Ecuador and that they may even encourage you in your own prayers and life-testimonies.

In a slight change from my normal prayer request list, I ask that you pray this with me over the Body of Christ, both here and there, both for me and you.

"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give [us] the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that [we] may know Him better. I pray that the eyes of [our] heart[s] may be enlightened in order that [we] may know the hope to which He has called [us], the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come." Ephesians 1:17-21

Let us claim the power He offers to us to turn death to life in His name.





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