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Why Misahuallí?

Coming August 2021: I move to Mishuallí, Ecuador.

Yes. I am planning on moving to the Ecuadorian jungle this August, taking on a full time position as an English teacher with Antioch Christian Academy in a town called Misahuallí (Mee-sah-wah-YEE) located at the junction of the Napo and Misahuallí rivers, about 136 miles east of Quito. I had the privilege to visit this school in person when I spent a semester in Ecuador two and a half years ago. Their mission is "to empower children of the jungle so that they can break the cycle of poverty and abuse and share that message of transformation with their family, community, country and world.” I knew that I wanted to work at a school exactly like that.

At the start of this year, as the end of my TESOL Master's program came into sight (2 more weeks!), I began to look at international schools. I began seeking advice from those who were currently teaching internationally, connecting with a current teacher at Antioch. The idea of moving to the jungle was so far off my radar at the time, but God began to soften my heart to that idea. It soon became clear that He was leading me back to this place that I had visited before. Doors flew open, wide and clear, so I am now preparing to move to that exact school.

This move has been years in the making as God has given me a passion for both international ministry and language education ever since middle school (just ask my parents!). To see it begin to come to fruition has been a joy and privilege for both me and my community of friends and family. I know many hardships await me in moving 3158.1 miles away from the place I've called home for 22 years

, but I cannot express my excitement for following the Lord where He leads and seeing what He has in store.

Please join me in prayer as I begin the process of support raising and visa acquiring. I have confidence that God will continue to open doors, and I ask for your support in praying His will for this journey.

Also prayers that tarantulas would suddenly have the desire to leave the rainforest. That would be nice too.



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